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  5. SEPA direct debit

SEPA direct debit

Make your regular payments in EUR to SEPA countries comfortably. SEPA direct debit ensures:

  • faster payments within the territory
  • of the majority of European countries
  • same charges like in case of domestic payments
  • no risk of payment delay


You can now make your regular euro payments (advance payments, invoices, etc.) not only within the territory of Slovakia but also in the countries of the European Union and European Economic Area:

  • Simply
    An easy way of making payments for goods and services. Simply activate a SEPA direct debit and you do not need to care for clearing any longer. Collection beneficiary debits the requested sum of the payment from your account.
  • No risk
    No payment delay and related consequences. You can specify the maximum sum of one or all payments, determine the mandate validity period, refuse the next direct debit, ask for payment refund or eventually block any direct debits from a particular, undesired beneficiary.
  • Fast
    The payment is debited from payer's account on the same day as it is credited to beneficiary's account.


SEPA direct debit is a non-cash payment in EUR within the SEPA area. It is executed on basis of a payment order from the payment beneficiary while the payer gives consent (mandate) to the execution of a SEPA direct debit directly to the beneficiary.

Do you pay rent, holiday or telephone bills? You can make use of SEPA direct debit for making any regular or single payments.

You can use it not only within the territory of Slovakia but also in all SEPA countries (Single Euro Payments Area).

SEPA collection can be executed in CORE (for all clients) or B2B scheme (only for legal entities).

Basic differences of B2B compared with CORE:

  • Collection possible only between legal entities
  • Required specific type of mandate contract between the creditor and the client
  • Client (payer) can not ask for SEPA collection refund
  • Only for level 2 of account access

SEPA direct debit process

The entire process relieves the payer of redundant activities and leaves all duties to be attended to by Tatra banka and a payment beneficiary.

There are several parties that are engaged in utilisation of the product: a payer, a beneficiary and banks of both parties.

SEPA direct debit process

Steps taken by payer
Signing the SEPA direct debit Mandate The payer and the payment beneficiary agree on the payment method by means of the SEPA direct debit upon a purchase of goods or a service.
Accessing of the account If the payer´s level of the account access is 2, i.e. the account with conditional collection, he/she/it grants Tatra banka consent to SEPA direct debit.
Steps taken by beneficiary
Notification of collection The beneficiary sends the payer an advance notification 14 days prior to the maturity date; unless otherwise arranged with the payer.
Payment order for collection     The payment beneficiary sends a payment order for collection by means of their bank to the payer´s bank.
Steps to be taken by bank
Debiting money from the account
If the payer made their account available for SEPA direct debit payments, the payment will be debited from the payer's account on the clearing date.
Crediting money to the account The money is credited to the beneficiary's account on the same date.

Setting a direct debit authorisation is free of charge. A regular SEPA direct debit is included in the Account for blue planetTB. The current amount of a SEPA direct debit charge outside the service package is available in the Service Charges.


1. The payer signs the SEPA direct debit mandate with the collection beneficiary.

2. The payer makes the account available with the bank.

Every Account for blue planetTB maintained in EUR is concurrently made available for SEPA direct debits at various levels that you can change:

Level 1: Allows the execution of all SEPA direct debits from your account on basis of a received payment order for collection sent by the collection recipient. However, you can define so-called undesired recipients. SEPA direct debit payment order received from an undesired recipient will be automatically rejected.
Level 2: Only those collections will be executed from your account on basis of the received SEPA direct debit payment order, for which you place SEPA direct debit authorisation also in Tatra banka. SEPA direct debit authorisation can be made either via your Internet bankingTB, at any branch or by contacting our DIALOG Live service. Have a signed SEPA direct debit mandate with you, you will use it for completing obligatory SEPA direct debit authorisation elements.
Level 3: no SEPA direct debit will be executed from your account

All accounts in EUR currency are set for the level 2. A client can change the level of account accessing free of charge.

Frequently asked questions

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