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  5. Information regarding the possibility of out-of-court settlement of disputes

Information regarding the possibility of out-of-court settlement of disputes

If there is any arbitration agreement or consumer arbitration agreement concluded between the bank and the client, possible disputes that arise or have arisen from banking transactions may be settled, in addition to the complaints procedure and lawsuit, also via arbitration proceedings or consumer arbitration proceedings pursuant to the Act No. 244/2002 Coll. on arbitration proceedings or Act No. 335/2014 Coll. on consumer arbitration proceedings.

If there is any agreement concluded between the bank and the client regarding the dispute settlement by mediation, the dispute may be settled out-of-court in form of mediation according to the Act No. 420/2004 on mediation.

The bank would like to draw the attention of the clients – consumers to the fact that there is an alternative way of settlement of disputes related to banking transactions, including disputes from payment services and disputes related to transfer of payment account, namely via entities of alternative dispute settlement entitled to resolve the disputes related to such transactions, upon consumer´s selection, including selection of relevant entity of alternative dispute settlement upon consumer´s selection. The list of entities of alternative dispute settlement is held by the Ministry of Economy in web site: www. mhsr.sk, namely in subpage www.mhsr.sk/obchod/ochrana-spotrebitela/alternativne-riesenie-spotrebitelskych-sporov-1/zoznam-subjektov-alternativneho-riesenia-spotrebitelskych-sporov-1

We would like to draw special attention of the clients – consumers to the fact that the payment service providers, via their interest group Slovak Banking Association, have established the entity of alternative dispute settlement under the name Institute of alternative dispute settlement of the Slovak Banking Association having its registered office in Bratislava. The clients – consumers may resolve their disputes from banking transactions related to the consumer agreements via this Institute. You can find more information on dispute settlement by this entity in web site: www.institutars.sk/

At the same time let us inform you that the arbitration agreements (including consumer arbitration agreements) concluded for dispute settlement in the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Slovak Banking Association and provided no arbitration proceedings were commenced in the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Slovak Banking Association based on those arbitration agreements so far, expired as of January 2nd 2019.

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