
What can you do

Today, the topic of sustainability plays an important role in all areas of life. Do you know what sustainability means and how to approach everyday activities in order to protect our planet?

Even a small change in your behaviour can have a huge impact on the future. We will advise you on how to live more ecologically and behave more responsibly towards the environment.

Waste separation

Waste separation

Waste separation is a great starting point for anyone who wants to do something for the environment. Just by sorting waste, we can reduce its volume in landfills by up to 31%.

Ecological transport

Ecological transport

Each of us can contribute to reducing harmful emissions. As your situation allows, try walking or taking your bicycle to your destination.

Fabric is better than plastic

Fabric is better than plastic

It takes up to 25 years for plastic bags to decompose in nature. Therefore, try to replace them with a fabric bag that you will always carry with you.

Let’s avoid waste by turning off the water tap

Let’s avoid waste by turning off the water tap

It may sound trivial, but many people do not realise that they leave the water running unnecessarily when brushing their teeth or washing the dishes. You can also save water by using the clothes dryer less often or by taking a shower instead of a hot bath.

Join the saving effort by unplugging your appliances

Join the saving effort by unplugging your appliances

Even though the appliances are turned off, if you leave them in an electrical outlet, they still consume some electricity. Disconnecting them from the power source is therefore not only environmentally friendly, but also makes sense from a safety point of view.

Buying fewer clothes is now in fashion

Buying fewer clothes is now in fashion

The clothing industry is the second largest polluting industry in the world, right after the oil industry. Therefore, try to replace common brands with sustainable ones, shop more frugally, or shop at second-hand shops.

Pay attention to the labels on the clothes

Pay attention to the labels on the clothes

You may never have thought about it, but even the country of origin of the clothing tells you a lot about how it was made. Before you go shopping, try to do some research on various brands to see if they are suspected of using child labour, or cheap labour in production.

Choose ecological transportation

Choose ecological transportation

Using public transportation, such as trains and buses, not only saves the environment and your wallet, but also prevents traffic jams. Thanks to dedicated bus lanes in cities, it is often a faster mode of transportation. The use of public transportation reduces the number of cars on our roads and reduces the amount of CO2 in the air.