Tatra Premium Deposit
Tatra Premium Deposit (TPD) is a structured deposit product that offers higher returns on funds compared to a regular term deposit with the same maturity period. The client receives higher interest in exchange for the bank having the right, on the so-called expiration day (usually two business days before the deposit maturity), to decide whether to pay the principal of the deposit to the client in the original currency or in a pre-agreed alternative currency. Any future conversion of the principal from the original currency will be carried out at the exchange rate set on the day the deposit is made, the so-called Reference Rate.

Guaranteed interest subject to withholding tax

Deposit period from 2 weeks to 1 year

The client does not expect the deposit currency to weaken against the alternative currency beyond the Reference Rate

Available in EUR, USD, CZK, GBP, PLN, HUF, CHF, CAD, AUD, NOK currencies

The deposit is protected
by the Deposit Protection

The transaction is
concluded by phone, with
subsequent written confirmation
The product is intended for clients who:
- have available funds for a longer period and require a higher interest yield than regular term deposits
- accept the risk that the principal of the deposit will be paid in an alternative currency under pre-agreed conditions
Conditions for concluding a transaction
- have signed a Request for trading with the Bank
- possess the relevant knowledge and experience as per MiFID II i
- minimum nominal amount of 100 000 EUR (or equivalent in another currency)
- coverage in the deposit currency account on the deposit start date
- open current accounts in both currencies
- agree to trade between 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM