Chatbot Adam Chatbot Adam

Chatbot AdamTB - virtual financial advisor

We shift the boundaries of communication. Write to Adam – he will give you advice or help with the service. Anytime.

You don't have to call us or go to the branch. Our virtual banker Adam will reliably and securely help you with the desired banking operations and answer questions about our products.

Adam is ready to answer in the Tatra banka application, on our website and on the login screen of your Internet bankingTB.

This is what Adam can do on our website:

If you write to him via our website or Internet bankingTB login screen, he will be happy to answer questions about our products, show you a map with the nearest or specific branch and ATM/deposit machine, as well as an exchange rate list together with a currency calculator.

He will also help you with adjusting payment card limits or setting up a standing order. Of course, he can assist you if your card needs to be blocked.

Also, on the Internet bankingTB login screen, Adam will be happy to activate a new card or change your phone number from now on.

Moreover, in the Tatra banka application, he can handle:

Once verified, he can activate and block your payment card or change your payment limits and allowed continents. He will also help unblock a temporarily blocked card, display your card's PIN code.

You can use him to set up credit card notifications or view and edit the delivery address of a new payment card. He can also update your phone number, manage your credit card automatic installment and help you open Investment savings. 

He will also assist you with setting up notifications, standing orders or optional overdrafts, arrange a meeting at our branch or give you a helping hand with forgotten password.

Adam will gladly help you to enter a SEPA payment order, generate one-time card number for online payments, facilitate withdrawals from ATMs by mobile phone, open a new account for you and create a new account savings. He can help you access your current monthly statement and your Supplementary Pension Saving account as well.

He can redirect you to the list of your pending payments and can also help you create or edit a SEPA direct debit. Adam recently learned to display your account balance and he will also gladly remind you of your  Account statement password if you've forgotten it.

The advantage of a virtual banker is that you can write to him at any time, he is always ready to answer you. Adam's constant availability, readiness, and never-ending learning process clearly make him the innovation that change your world.

How can AdamTB understand what you ask and send you the right answer?

He uses the principles of Machine learning, a part of computer science that uses mathematical-statistical methods to identify structures and learn models from data. One area of Machine Learning is the processing and understanding of the written expression of natural language. AdamTB is a form of artificial intelligence that seeks to understand your question and provides you with a relevant answer based on predefined decision logic.

The first virtual banking assistant was designed by Martin Pyšný. Read our interview (in Slovak) about how Adam was born.


  • s present in the Tatra banka application, on our web and in Internet bankingTB,
  • responds immediately,
  • communicates in Slovak language and with several people at once,
  • if he does not know the answer to your question, he will redirect you to colleagues who will gladly help you,
  • can answer general questions about bank products and services.

In addition, he will gladly help you with these services:

Service Adam in Tatra banka
mobile application
Adam in Internet bankingTB
login screen
Display nearest/selected branch

Display nearest/selected ATM and deposit machine

Exchange rate list

Card blocking

Card limits management

Standing order management

New card activation

Editing of phone number

Card unblocking

View/edit delivery address of a new card

Manage an automatic credit card installment

Open Investment savingsTB into Mutual fundsTB

Display PIN code of a card

B-mail of a credit card management

Optional overdraftTB management

Arrange meeting in our branch

Forgotten password of account statement

Make SEPA payment order

Generating an one-time card number

ATM withdrawal by phone

Open account/Account savingsTB

Redirecting to DDS pension account

Redirecting to current monthly statement

Access to pending payments list

Make SEPA direct debit

Account balance information


Frequently asked questions

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