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  5. Commercial Terms and Conditions

Commercial Terms and Conditions

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The General Loan Terms and Conditions

The General Loan Terms and Conditions as amended by Amendment no. 1 from 17.02.2012, Amendment no. 2 from 01.02.2013, Amendment no. 3 from 06.06.2014, Amendment no. 4 from 14.10.2016 and Amendment no. 5 from 19.03.2019, effective from 01.07.2019

Amendment No. 5 to the General Loan Terms and Conditions

Amendment no. 5 to the General Loan Terms and Conditions, approved on 19.03.2019, effective from 01.07.2019 

Financial Covenants Terms and Conditions

Financial Covenants Terms and Conditions as amended by Amendment no. 1 from 28 May 2021 and Amendment no. 1 to the Financial Covenants Terms and Condition, approved on 28 May 2021

Financial covenants terms and conditions Effective from 31. 08. 2021 PDF, 139 KB
Amendment no. 1 to the Financial covenants terms and conditions Effective from 31. 08. 2021 PDF, 77 KB
Financial covenants terms and conditions Effective from 16. 04. 2019 PDF, 122 KB

Commercial Terms and Conditions for Term Deposit Accounts

Commercial Terms and Conditions for Business Banking

Terms and conditions for bank guarantees

Business conditions for bank guarantees as amended by Addendum no. 1 from 14 October 2016, Addendum no. 2 dated March 19, 2019 and Addendum no. 3 of 28 June 2024, effective from 02 September 2024

Addendum no. 3 of the business Terms and conditions for bank guarantees dated 28 June 2024, effective from 02 September 2024 


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