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  3. Account and payments
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  5. Student account

Student account

Open a student account at Tatra banka digitally and 40 EUR is automatically yours. You can find more info at tatraacademy.sk.

You don't have to visit the branch. You can easily open a bank account for students, which is completely free of charge for maintaining the account, via mobile* or the web*.

*available to anyone with Slovak ID.

The best free student account from Tatra banka

Your Student Account is without any account maintenance fees

For students aged 15 to 26

For students aged 15 to 26

Mobile apps to the free current account for students

Manage your account and withdraw money from ATM with your mobile phone

Send money to a friend through VIAMO only by using their phone number

Send money to a friend through VIAMO only by using their phone number

Open a student account in Tatra banka

You can now open your Student account simply and quickly through the Tatra banka mobile app. You will experience the unique innovations of the Face BiometryTB

Don't hesitate and let's do it!

Download your mobile app here:



Open your Student Account online and get the unique designer card 

Account price

You have a student account for young people with us without account management fees up to the age of 26, even with all the goodies and innovations that we offer to our clients.

What documents will you need?

  • From 15 years to 19 years (inclusive) all you need is an identity card.
  • From the age of 20 and over, deliver us information about full-time study.

If you are studying in Slovakia, all you have to do is send us info at what school you are studying at. If you are studying abroad, you need to provide us with a confirmation of your visit to the school.

You can do so in person at any of our branches or by e-mail from your e-mail address, which you have defined in the Student account to the address: [email protected].

The great news is that you will deliver this info to us only once and thus secure a Student account without account management fees until you reach the age of 26.

Student account benefits

Open your Student account with Tatra banka and you can automatically:

  • manage your account anytime, anywhere thanks to the mobile app Tatra banka,
  • use the best Internet bankingTB,
  • withdraw cash from ATM with your mobile,
  • send money to your friends using only their phone number via Tatra banka VIAMO,
  • pay by mobile phone on the net securely thanks to a one-time card number generated via the Tatra banka application,
  • save money by using your chosen method of saving,
  • make cashless payments,
  • travel and withdraw cash from more than 8 000 Raiffeisen Bank International AG Group's ATMs in Europe,
  • if you are studying in the Czech Republic, you are sending money free of charge to your account at Raiffeisen Bank Czech Republic.

And all of this in unlimited quantity! 

Free Instant CardTB with your Student account of your own choice

With your new Student account, you automatically get a contactless payment card with an original design of your choice.

Payment card for students instantly at the branch - no waiting!

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.