Tatra banka Foundation Art Award Nominations Announced
| 19.01.2023
| 2 min. reading

The nominees for the 2022 Tatra banka Foundation Art Award have been announced. The jury published the names of artists who have contributed to the most outstanding artistic achievements in the period from 1 July 2021 to 31 August 2022.
The 27th annual Art Award will be granted in 6 categories: audiovisual work, fine arts, theatre, music, literature and design. We will know the names of the laureates on 26 January during the award ceremony in the new premises of the Slovak National Gallery.
The symbol of honour is a bronze Muse statute awarded in the Main Award category and plaque for the Young Artist Award winners. Both awards have been created especially for this occasion by the Slovak sculptor and artist Daniel Brunovský. The winners will also receive a financial prize, EUR 10,000 in the Main Award category and EUR 5,000 in the Young Artist category. The prize has so far been awarded to 114 artistic personalities, 77 young artists and 10 young fashion designers who had the opportunity to design a dress for the muse – the host of the evening.
Audiovisual work
- Joanna Kozuch for directing the animated film Bolo raz jedno more.../Once Upon a Time There Was a Sea…
- Maia Martiniak for directing the documentary Neviditeľná/Invisible
- Barbora Námerová and Tereza Nvotová for the co-authorship of the film script Svetlonoc/Lightnight
- Marián Amsler for directing the production Tri sestry/Three Sisters, Slovak Chamber Theatre in Martin
- Andrej Petrovič for the choreography and directing of the production Extáza/Obrazy o nej/Ecstasy/Images, State Theatre in Košice
- Valeria Schulczová, Zuzana Fialová, Gabriela Dzuríková, Ivana Kuxová, Jakub Rybárik, Branislav Bystriansky and Darina Abrahámová for the co-authorship of the production 24, Slovak National Theatre
- Marcel Holubec W. for the fashion collection Concréte
- Klára Prešnajderová, Simona Hermann Bérešová, Sonia de Puineuf and Mária Rojko for the book ŠUR. Škola umeleckých remesiel v Bratislave 1928 – 1939/SAP. The School of Applied Arts in Bratislava 1928 - 1939, Slovart, Slovak Design Centre
- Ľubica Segečová for the visual identity of Kunsthalle Bratislava
- FVLCRVM/Štefan Kráľovič for the concert/audiovisual show FVLCRVM at Pohoda 2022 festival
- Korben Dallas/Juraj Benetin, Lukáš Fila and Ozo Guttler for the album Deti rýb/Children of Fish, Slnko records publishing house
- Stanislav Palúch for the music of the performance Pašie/Passion, SĽUK (Slovak State Traditional Dance Company)
- Jana Beňová for the book of short stories Vandala/Vandala, BRAK publishing house
- Ivana Dobrakovová for the novel Pod slnkom Turína/Under the Torino Sun, Marenčin PT publishing house
- Mila Haugová for the collection Z rastlinstva/Of the Flora, Skalná ruža publishing house
Fine Arts
- Erik Binder for the exhibition Avatsýv. Labyrint Erika Bindera/Noitibihxe. Labyrinth of Erik Binder, Slovak National Gallery
- András Cséfalvay for the exhibition Darwiniana: koncept súťaže v prírode a jeho pôvod v jazyku kapitalizmu/Darwiniana: The Concept of Competition in Nature and its Origin in the Language of Capitalism, East Slovak Gallery, Košice
- Andrej Dúbravský for the exhibition Last Party for Diversity II, Ján Koniarek Gallery, Trnava
The jury of the 27th annual Tatra banka Foundation Art Award is composed of:
Chairman of the jury:
Michal Liday (Chairman of the Tatra banka Foundation Board, Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Tatra banka)
Audiovisual work:
Wanda Adamík Hrycová (President of the Slovak Film and Television Academy)
Zuzana Mistríková (President of the Association of Independent Producers)
René Parák (President of the Contemporary Theatre Association)
Richard Stanke (Member of the SND Drama)
Pavol Bálik (Head of the Laboratory of Typography at the Department of Visual Communication of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Graphic Designer)
Ľubica Hustá (Director of Bratislava Design Week festival)
Matej Drlička (Producer and Manager)
Juraj Podmanický (Director of Grape festival)
Pavel Sibyla (Director of the Slovak Literary Centre)
Miroslava Vallová (Translator)
Fine Arts:
Bohunka Koklesová (Chancellor of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design)
Jen Kratochvil (Director of Kunsthalle Bratislava)
The process of deciding the winners of the Tatra banka Foundation Art Award Laureates consists of several steps. The Academy consisting of all the award winners since its establishment, proposes nominations of artists and their achievements for the so-called longlist. From these the jury selects 3 nominees and then 1 award winner in each category. Both the Main Award and the Young Artist Award can only be awarded to an artist once in a lifetime.
Media contact:
Simona Miklošovičová, Spokeperson, [email protected], 0903 641 846
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