3D Secure 3D Secure
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  3. Cards
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  5. 3D Secure

3D Secure code

Confirm your internet purchases with the 3D Secure code, in the Tatra banka mobile application, Internet bankingTB or via the Card and ReaderTB tool and pay more securely.

Safe payments on the internet

Safe payments on the internet

SMS code free of charge

SMS code free of charge

Applicable for all debit as well as credit cards

Applicable for all debit as well as credit cards

Wide acceptance network of 3D Secure merchants

Wide acceptance network of 3D Secure merchants

Payment procedure

Entering required data from the payment card for the payment at the website of the merchant has not changed.

After entering:

  • card number,
  • card validity and
  • a three-digit security code

payment gateway will then ask you to verify the payment:

  • Do not close this payment gateway window and confirm the payment using the Tatra banka mobile application or Internet bankingTB.
  • After successful verification, the payment will be processed on the merchant's side.

At the same time, you'll see a purchase confirmation screen on the merchant's page with further instructions.

For successful payment and confirmation of payments, you must have the latest version of the Tatra banka mobile application and push notifications enabled.
Download the latest version of the application:

Payment procedure at a merchant supporting 3D Secure:

  • click on the PUSH notification we have generated for you, open the Tatra banka application or log in to Internet bankingTB in a new browser window
  • any of the above options will automatically show you a card payment awaiting your authorization
  • after checking the payment data (merchant name, transaction amount, frequency in the case of repeated payments with a subscription) you can choose whether to authorize or reject the given transaction
  • after logging out of the mobile application or internet banking, you will find out the result of the payment processing on the merchant's website


Merchants supporting 3D Secure have the following logos:

VISA supports 3D secure

MasterCard supports 3D Secure

VISA secure supports 3D secure

MasterCard ID Check supports 3D Secure

At the merchants not supporting 3D Secure you may pay in the same way as until now, just enter the details of your payment card or through Tatra banka app and one-time card number.

Frequently asked questions

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Need advice?

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.