Tatra banka VIAMO Tatra banka VIAMO
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  7. Tatra banka VIAMO

Tatra banka VIAMO application

Send money easily and quickly to a telephone number via the renewed Tatra banka VIAMO application.

Money transfer to a phone number

Payment as easy as sending an SMS

Money transfer to a phone number via VIAMO

Security equal to bank transfers

Money transfer to a phone number

Payments up to 1 000 EUR a day

Money transfer to a phone number – without the bank account number

Without the need to know the recipient’s account number or bank

VIAMO Benefits

  • sending money is as easy as sending an SMS,
  • a VIAMO transaction is as secure as any other bank transfer,
  • you can already pay in almost 100 stores and various organizations,
  • no need to know the recipient’s account number and bank,
  • sending payments up to 1,000 EUR a day,
  • VIAMO is free with the Account for blue planetTB.

VIAMO functions

1. Payment to a phone number

With the Tatra banka VIAMO app you can send money by mobile phone to anyone with a Slovak mobile number. In the application you choose the recipient, enter the amount and confirm the payment by the PIN code. The recipient receives an instant message of your payment (by notification or SMS).

  • If the recipient is registered, a standard bank transfer is made and the money is automatically transferred to the recipient’s account linked to the phone number.
  • If the recipient is not registered, the recipient can collect the money on www.viamo.sk/receive and only needs an account with any bank or branch of a foreign bank in Slovakia.
Transfer  money to your friends faster and easier Aplikácia Tatra banka VIAMO

2. Payments to businesses

With the Tatra banka VIAMO application, you can pay merchants for goods or services simply and securely. The application allows several payment methods:

  • Payment via BLIK is a simple and safe method of payment on the Internet. For the first payment, you need to generate a 6-digit one-time code in the Tatra banka VIAMO application and then enter it on the merchant's website (or on his payment gateway).  Then you just confirm the payment in the Tatra banka VIAMO application. You can save the browser / merchant and next time you do not need to generate a code for the payment, but after selecting the BLIK payment method on the merchant's website, you only authorize the payment in the Tatra banka VIAMO application.
  • Payment via VIAMO QR code, can be displayed on the merchant's website or in a store at the checkout and contains details of the payment order.
  • Payment from the merchant's mobile application uses redirection to the Tatra banka VIAMO application, where you will automatically see the details of the payment order.
  • Payment from the list of merchants in the Tatra banka VIAMO application is supported only for selected recipients (merchant, non-profit organizations and schools). The application accompanies you when filling out the payment.

See the list of merchants where you can pay via VIAMO or BLIK.

3. Request money

The Request money functionality serves as notification to your friends to pay the requested amount. Just enter the recipient, amount, and a description, if necessary.

The recipient is notified of the request automatically by a push notification and can respond to it in the app by making the payment or by dismissing the reminder. If the recipient does not have VIAMO, you can send request as an payme payment link.

4. Other options

  • Easy splitting of the bill between several people. Recipients can be choose individually or created a group (for example, with colleagues). Then just enter the amount of the bill and a note. The amount of the bill is automatically divided among the selected recipients equally. However, if necessary, it is possible to modify the amount for each recipient. After confirmation, a payment request will be sent to the selected persons in their VIAMO application, or Payme link for those who do not have VIAMO application.
  • In the Profile section, you can change your personal data, PIN code for the logging in, or generate a code for activation the application on the new smartphone.
Posielajte svoje peniaze priateľom rýchlejšie a jednoduchšie Mobilná aplikácia VIAMO od tb


  • one-time transaction 1,000 EUR
  • accumulated transactions of 1,000 EUR per day and 5,000 EUR per month

Payment reminder:

  • maximum transaction 1,000 EUR


App activation

Most simple and fast way to activate VIAMO and TB VIAMO application is via application Tatra banka.

Other options, how to activate TB VIAMO are :

  • activation code - which you receive after logging in VIAMO portal or in activated Tatra banka VIAMO application, in Profile
  • login credentials (phone number and password) used for your profile

In addition to the Tatra banka application, you can also create a profile via www.viamo.sk.

Availability/activation conditions

  • the app is available for devices with the operating systems iOS version 14.0 and higher, Android version 8.0 and higher
  • you also need the holder’s authorization to a current account with the Account for blue planetTB service package

Frequently asked questions

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Download the app and start to use its benefits today:


Need advice?

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.