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The return on mutual fund investments achieved in the past is not a guarantee of future returns. Data on the development of the value of assets in the mutual fund and the income from the management of assets in the mutual fund do not predict the development of these indicators in the future.

There is also a risk associated with investing in a mutual fund, and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The value of the investment in the mutual fund as well as the return on it may increase or decrease and the unit-holder may not get back the entire amount invested. The goal of investment policy may not be achieved despite the fact that professional care is taken. The Management Company does not in any way guarantee the achievement of the investment policy objective. The Statute, Sale prospectus and Key Information Document of the mutual fund are available in Slovak at Tatra banka, a.s. branches.

Mutual funds have been created and are managed by Tatra Asset Management, reports. spol., a. s., with its registered office in Hodžovo nám. 3, 811 06 Bratislava. As much as 100 % of the value of assets in a mutual fund TAM-DPF, TAM-DDPF, TAM-REF, TAM-SMF, TAM-BLF, TAM-PHF, TAM-PSF, TAM-PDYN, TAM-DBLF, TAM-PGF, TAM-PG1, TAM-PG2, TAM-GAF, TAM-KPSF, TAM-CMF, TAM-BMF, TAM-DMF, TAM-ZF26 can be invested in transferrable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In the case of TAM-PHF, TAM-PSF, TAM-PDYN, TAM-SMF, TAM-BLF, TAM-DBLF, TAM-PGF, TAM-PG1, TAM-PG2, TAM-GAF, TAM-KPSF, TAM-CMF, TAM-BMF, TAM-DMF, TAM-ZF26 funds may also be invested in units of cash, bonds, equities and other open-ended mutual funds. Investment strategy of TAM-REF is focused on real estate investments. In the case of TAM-REMB, 85 % or more of the mutual fund's assets are continuously invested in units of the master fund Raiffeisen-EmergingMarkets-ESG-Transformation-Rent. In the case of TAM-MPK, 85 % or more of the mutual fund's assets are continuously invested in units of the master fund Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Solide. In the case of TAM-MPV, 85 % or more of the mutual fund's assets are continuously invested in units of the master fund Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Mix. In the case of TAM-MPD, 85 % or more of the mutual fund's assets are continuously invested in units of the master fund Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Wachstum. In the case of TAM-AAF, 85 % or more of the mutual fund's assets are continuously invested in units of the master fund Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-US-Aktien. In the case of TAM-GMF, 85 % or more of the mutual fund's assets are continuously invested in units of the master fund Raiffeisen-Megatrends-ESG-Aktien.

Analyzes prepared with professional care were used in the preparation of information on the expected assessment and the expected risk. As there is risk and uncertainty about future developments, there is no guarantee that expectations and estimates will be achieved and that expected performance will be achieved.

The expected return of TAM-ZF26 represents the scenarios estimated by the asset management company taking into account the composition of the fund, the current return potential of the protected part, as well as the scenarios of the movement of the global equity markets, either to the level of the most recent previous highs without extensive declines (realistic scenario), or creating new highs within a strong growth trend (optimistic scenario), without taking into account the future tax burden. The expected return is after deducting ongoing fees in accordance with the Key Information Document of the mutual fund.

Official abbreviated names of mutual funds managed by Tatra Asset Management, správ. spol., a. s., listed in the notice: TAM-DPF  TAM - Dlhopisový fond | TAM-DDPF  TAM - Dynamický dlhopisový fond | TAM-AAF  TAM - Americký akciový fond | TAM-PHF  TAM - Premium Harmonic | TAM-PSF  TAM - Premium Strategic | TAM-REF  TAM - Realitný fond | TAM-SMF  TAM - Smart fond | TAM-PGF  TAM - Private Growth | TAM-PG1  TAM-Private Growth 1 | TAM-PG2  TAM-Private Growth 2 | TAM-BLF  TAM - Balanced fond | TAM-DBLF  TAM - Dynamic Balanced fond | TAM-KPSF  TAM - Konzervatívny PLUS fond | TAM-REMB  TAM - Raiffeisen Emerging Markets Bonds | TAM-MPK  TAM - Fond pre modrú planétu konzervatívny | TAM-MPV  TAM - Fond pre modrú planétu vyvážený | TAM-MPD  TAM - Fond pre modrú planétu dynamický | TAM-GAF  TAM - Globálny akciový fond | TAM-CMF  TAM - Wealth Growth Conservative Model Fund | TAM-BMF  TAM - Wealth Growth Balanced Model Fund | TAM-DMF  TAM - Wealth Growth Dynamic Model Fund | TAM-ZF26  TAM - Zaistený fond 2026 | TAM-PDYN  TAM - Premium Dynamic | TAM-GMF  TAM - Global Megatrends fond

www.tatrabanka.sk | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.