Individual fund performance    

Special summer offer

If you invest in Mutual fundsTB or open Investment savingsTB in them until September 30, 2024, you will have them forever without entry or exit fees.

1. Fund selection

Fund name Performance i Performance p. a. i Currency i Share i
- %
0 %
- % - %

2. Select the fund performance period

Fund performance chart

Fund name Performance i Performance p. a. i
Dlhopisový fond - % 0 %

Monthly fund reports


How to work with your investment? 

Udržať emócie na uzde

Keep a cool head
and do not be driven by emotion.



Nakupujte v poklesoch

Celebrate declines, because you can invest at a discount.



Rozdelte investíciu na menšie časti

Deposit a larger amount of money in smaller portions



Investujte toľko koľko môžte

Be flexible and always save as much as you can, the more the better.

Dodržte odporúčanú dobu investovania

Don't withdraw money
before reaching your goal.

Ozvite sa nám v prípade potreby

If you are unsure, call us at *1100, we are here for you nonstop.


Want to know more about funds?
See the complete offer of funds.

Need more information?
Leave us a phone number and we will call you.


This is a marketing notice. Before you make any investment decision, see the statute, sales prospectus and key information document of the mutual fund, which are available at Tatra banka, a.s. branches and at in the Slovak language. Investing in a mutual fund is also associated with risk, and past returns are not a guarantee of future returns. | Dialog: *1100 | Tatra banka a.s.