Why invest?
The largest companies in the world innovate, earn, grow. The names Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Starbucks and Microsoft are synonymous with success. Making money from them is easier than it might seem. Thanks to mutual funds, you can benefit from the success of the world’s largest players. Billions of euros invested in mutual funds across Europe are clear evidence.

- The main goal of investing is to grow assets and achieve attractive returns.
- Protection against inflation – so you can buy at least as much for your savings in a few years as you can today.
- Mutual funds are the easiest way to invest in the financial markets
- They invest money in multiple assets because they do not rely on only one "player".
- Simultaneously, they offer the availability of money at any time.
Calculate how inflation has devalued
your current account savings:
Inflation Calculator
Your savings*
on the current account since
lost at fair value
Now the purchasing power of your savings is only**
How to beat inflation?
Thanks to Mutual FundsTB, which you can easily obtain through Investment SavingsTB or a investment of a larger amount.
Don't leave your savings in current accounts where they lose their fair value. Instead, invest them where they can grow. Open Investment SavingsTB or invest a larger amount with lump sum investment and keep fair value with your money.
*Money you have in a current account, savings account or money deposited at home with a 0% annual interest rate.
**The amount for which you could buy the same amount of goods in the past as you can today for the total amount of savings. The calculation took into account the actual inflation in Slovakia in the years 2000 to 2024 according to the ŠÚSR.
Did you know that...?
It’s simple
All you have to do is click a few times in our Internet bankingTB or in the Tatra banka application.
It's for everyone.
Not just for the rich. Start from any amount at any time.
Everything takes its own time
The longer you let the money work, the more you can earn.
Tips and tricks for successful investing
- Invest regularly
and long-term. - Invest at times of
decline for better prices than others. - Follow the recommended
minimum investment period. - Also use balanced and dynamic strategies.
- You can conveniently set everything up in the Investment Calculator
Investment Calculator
If you want to make more savings to make your life easier,
this investment savings is the right way.
People with higher education usually earn more. However, the university is not free.
Real expenses for a 5-year study in Slovakia reach EUR 14,000, even more abroad.
A new bike, a children's room, a trip to Disneyland or a starting fee for life?
Fulfilling a child's dream begins with the Investment SavingsTB Child.
New furniture, living room renovation or the start of a brand new home?
You are in the right place.
Are you planning to replace your old car with a new one? Or pay off your lease or car loan soon?
Start saving today.
Invest cautiously
I don't want my savings to be devalued by inflation.
I know that investing is also associated with the fact that the value of savings will fluctuate.
Golden mean
I expect a return that will be higher than inflation.
I know that if I want to achieve such a return, my savings will fluctuate significantly during the investment.
Focus on return
The return is the most important thing for me.
Therefore, in order for my savings to grow as much as possible, I am willing to withstand their significant fluctuations during the investment.
1. My investment
Expected result
It represents
with expected return
2. Choose a mutual fund at your own discretion
Expected annual revenue | 2,3 - 2,8 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 0 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 3 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 1,9 - 2,9 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 30 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 5 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 1,9 - 2,9 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 40 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 5 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 3,3 - 4,3 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 45 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 7 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 3,3 - 4,3 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 60 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 7 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 3,3 - 4,3 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 50 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 8 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 4,5 - 6,5 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 100 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 10 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 4,2 - 5,2 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 95 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 9 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 1,9 - 2,9 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 25 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 5 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 4,5 - 6,5 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 100 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 10 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 4,5 - 6,5 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 100 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 10 r. |
Expected annual revenue | 4,2 - 5,2 % |
Maximum proportion of shares | 75 % |
Recommended investment period | min. 10 r. |
3. Embark on a journey to your goals
Open your new Investment SavingsTB in an environment that suits you best.
By scanning the QR code, the data of your investment savings entered in the investment calculator will be easily transferred to the Tatra banka application.

Click on "I WANT TO START" the data of your investment savings, which you have entered in the investment calculator, will also be easily transferred to the Tatra banka application
I WANT TO START3. Embark on a journey to your goals
Choose one of three options for a lump sum investment of your larger amount.
Want to know more about specific funds?
See the complete offer of funds.
Are you still hesitant?
View the performance of each fund in the fund results.
Need more information?
Leave us a phone number and we will call you.
This is a marketing notice. Before you make any investment decision, see the statute, sales prospectus and key information document of the mutual fund, which are available at Tatra banka, a.s. branches and at www.tam.sk in the Slovak language. Investing in a mutual fund is also associated with risk, and past returns are not a guarantee of future returns. The expected performance used represents the median realistic estimated return by the management company Tatra Asset Management, správ. spol., a.s., based on the assumed composition of the fund, as well as on the basis of the estimated ten-year return of individual asset classes in which the fund can invest. The expected return is after deducting ongoing fees in terms of key information for mutual fund investors. Future return is subject to taxation, which depends on the investor's personal situation, which may change in the future. Investing may result in financial loss.
Frequently asked questions
- How to proceed when investing in mutual funds?
- What to prepare for when investing?
- What is the minimum investment amount and fees?
- Can I to send money to my investment savings at any time?
- How is the return on mutual fund assets paid out?
- What is the PLUS Savings Program and the Savings Program?
- How do I transfer money to another fund?
- Can I allow another person to dispose of my mutual fund?
- What is mutual fund share redemption?
- Can I invest in foreign currency?
- How are mutual fund share exchange rates determined?
- How is the return on the sale of mutual funds taxed?
Blog and News
We have been moving the world of investment for over 28 years.
As of March 1, 2025, the new TAM Terms and Conditions will come into effect.
How can Einstein's genius help your money?